The 4 Most Common Sleep Disorders

Improper sleep can seriously hamper one’s functioning and health in the long run. In general, adults need around 7-8 hours of sleep per day. Compromising on your sleep can weaken the immune system, memory, and physical strength, while also diminishing clarity of thought and mood.

While many people experience sound sleep, some deal with chronic snoring, tossing and turning, and nightmares that leave them feeling tired and depressed after waking up. One must not take the issue lightly as these are some of the classic symptoms of sleep disorders. So, let’s discuss some of the most common sleep issues that can be corrected with the timely treatment of sleep disorders.

Types of sleep disorders

  1.       Insomnia

It is one of the most common conditions in which a person finds it very difficult to fall asleep or to stay asleep, and tends to feel drowsy throughout the day. This condition can get more serious with an increase in stress level and may become chronic if symptoms persist for 3 months or more. Certain medications, poor sleeping habits, and environmental changes can aggravate such a condition.

One of the most effective treatments for insomnia is cognitive behavioural therapy as it coaches a patient on sleep cycles and personal sleep barriers. A doctor may also prescribe medication to support the treatment process.

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  1.   Circadian rhythm disorders

While some people are early risers, others are late sleepers. The circadian rhythm determines the sleep-wake cycle, thereby determining whether an individual is a lark or a night owl. This phenomenon occurs since the individual’s internal clock is different from the external day-night cycle. While some people get accustomed to their unique sleep-wake cycle, it becomes a real issue when it affects their functioning at a time when they need to be awake.

One can aim at creating brain cues for rest and wakefulness through bright light exposure and maintaining healthy sleep hygiene through a sleep routine and avoiding phones, tablets, and TV before bed can help shift your sleep-wake cycle to your preferred schedule.

  1.       Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Snoring can be quite annoying but the underlying cause is the frequent choking and breathing interruptions that can be quite dangerous to one’s health. Sleep apnea is a type of sleeping disorder in which an individual stops breathing while asleep. The brain tries to protect the body by waking you up so that you can start breathing again. However, this prevents restful and quality sleep and can cause serious health complications such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

Patients can benefit by losing excess weight or using continuous positive airway pressure therapy (CPAP) for better breathing.

  1.   Excessive sleep

Quite the opposite of insomnia, people with hypersomnia tend to sleep excessively (over 10 hours a night). However, they still feel lethargic even after a good night’s sleep. Hypersomnia may cause sleep attacks or hallucinations.

There are several causes of hypersomnia such as medication, medical and/or psychiatric illness, family demands, shift timings, studies, or social life.

In general, the treatment of sleep disorders such as hypersomnia includes a blend of sleep hygiene, napping, driving safety, and stimulant medications.

Now that you have gone through the list of sleep disorders, it is your time to make a solemn resolution. Don’t suffer endlessly by battling fatigue every day. Seek proper medical assistance, since trying to self-medicate often backfires. If you feel like your sleep disorder matches any one of the aforementioned types, refer to a sleep specialist and have blissful sleepy nights soon!